M&A/Corporate Development x Professional

 We have developed the strong background in M&A/corporate development, PE investment, and financial advisory services for decades.  By leveraging these professional experience and knowledge, we are commited to deliver the professional services to assist the clients' needs.



M&A Advisory

We fully assist the entire stage of the clients' M&A activities domestically and internationally, especially between Japan and ASEAN.

Corporate DevELOPMENT Advisory

We fully assist the entire stage of strategic alliance activities domestically and internationally, especially between Japan and ASEAN.


Financial Advisory

We provide the financial advices and insights on M&A, corporate development, etc.


We provide the useful information on M&A, corporate development, finance, ESG, etc.


APR-1, 2024

Moved to the new office.  Click here for details.

APR-18, 2023

Press release on the management buyout (MBO) of Konica Minolota Marketing Services, Japan, Inc., which we adviced, has been posted.  Click here for details.